Our Values

Our mission is simple; however, this does not mean easy. Because of this, we feel it necessary to outline the values we practice in order to accomplish our mission together. The following eight values stand as the framework for our church and the reference point that can continue to keep us focused on our mission.

  • Biblically Centered

    The Bible is the foundation of what we do and how we do it

    At Calvary, we do not follow pastors, culture, or even tradition. Rather, we center all that we do around the Bible. We believe that the Bible is God's roadmap to aid in navigating our way through life. Everything we do and say, as individuals and as a church, must come back to Scripture.

    Luke 6:47-48; Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 3:16

  • Spirit led

    Where the Holy Spirit leads, we will follow

    At Calvary, we understand that we do not measure up to the calling that has been placed on our lives. This is why we need direction and power from the Holy Spirit, who enables us to battle sin, step out in obedience, and to daily trust Christ as our Lord.

    John 16:13-14; Romans 8:14

  • Intentionally prayerful

    There is real-life power in prayer

    At Calvary, we know that everything we do is only possible through Christ; therefore, we want to be continuously in tune with Him. Prayer is our powerful connection to our Dad, that shows just how much He desires a relationship with us. It gives us a connection to Him through which there is power to alter circumstances, to receive wisdom, to express gratitude, to vent our frustrations, and to listen to His voice. We also support that God knows what is truly best for our life; therefore, we trust Him with our prayers, even when they are not answered how we desire.

    Philippians 4:6-7; 1 John 5:14

  • personally involved

    Every Christian is called to all-time ministry

    At Calvary, we see all people who have chosen Christ as their Lord, being called into ministry. This is not restricted to people who are on staff or those who know a lot about the Bible. We have been given gifts from God and told to use them within the body. If any of us fail to use our gifts, our potential as a whole is affected. We see ourselves as servants following the example of Christ. We desire to make a culture that does not say that we "go" to church, but rather, that we "are" the church.

    1 Peter 4:10; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26

  • relationally committed

    Authentic Community is critical to the Christian journey

    At Calvary, we are committed to doing life together. While we do need a personal relationship with Jesus, that does not mean we have a private relationship with Him. Discipleship happens in relationships, not programs or Bible studies, because it is in relationships where Scripture is applied. When relationships get strained, we must choose to be committed and invest in the mending of those relationships. Also, we strive to create an atmosphere that is welcoming to all people, because all people are cherished by God.

    Ephesians 4:1-3; Mark 12:28-31

  • Radically generous

    We are managers of God's resources

    At Calvary, we see ourselves as mere managers of our God given time, resources, finances, and abilities. As such, we strive to be bold investors of these resources, seeing this as our biblical responsibility. Even though this often takes great trust in Christ, we see our generosity as an obedient act of faith that grows our relationship with Him.

    Matthew 25:14-30; 1 Peter 4:10

  • Teaming with families

    Two combined influences are greater than one

    At Calvary, we believe that parents hold the great responsibility of discipling their children. Because of this, we desire to support and encourage parents throughout this process. We are committed to working with families as one influence, biblically and creatively teaching children and teens the Gospel. We see this partnership as much more beneficial and effective in the lives of students. 

    Proverbs 22:6; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  • missions minded

    We exist to send and to be sent

    At Calvary, we will do whatever it takes to reach people for Christ. Seeing this as our highest calling, we seek to train and equip people in our church to go and make disciples in their family, place of work, and community. We also have a high priority on joining with those who go to areas outside our reach as a church. By partnering with missionaries through our prayers, financial support, and encouragement, we desire to extend the Gospel's influence around the globe.

    Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:20